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Not Just Using a WYSIWYG Layout System
The development of WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get software (think Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher or any page layout software) was a real step forward for the average person using a computer to generate content. In the "olden" days, the user typed text onto a blue screen with lots of computer-y looking commands interspersed within the content text to indicate layout. These computer software programs were difficult for an average user to understand. The user would have to concentrate on the textual content while visiualizing the layout and then issue "markup" to satisfy the visualization. Then WYSIWYG layout hit the scene! These software tools allow the user to think about subject and form simultaneously while developing content. However, this layout software treats all objects within the layout-form with the same gravity as all other objects of the same type. To a page layout program, a picture is a picture is a picture - there is no difference to software between these objects. For really indepth and beautiful engraving (music or books) objects might be defined by other objects around them. Layout software isn't that advanced.

Music layout software was even worse. All notes were treated the same and typographical idioms were ignored for uniformity of appearance. When the user dragged two different notes onto a staff, the software would make the two notes look exactly a-like. But all musicians "know" that notes don't all look a-like. Their appearance depends on other objects in the score (You might not "know" intellectually - but you know in your soul when you view a computer layout software generated score as opposed to an engraved score). Stem length, ledger line appearance, accidentals, etc. etc. all change in appearance in the score depending on a myriad of other variables.

Enter Lilypond. Lilypond is a music engraving application that is based on the LaTeX system of software. Its free and open-source software and runs wonderfully on a host of difference operating systems. It is not difficult to use but can be challenging to learn because it is so in-depth and flexible (You can read more about Lilypond here.

vonMenchhofen Urtext Editions uses Lilypond to perform its engraving. The files are kept in text-form to make them searchable by other computer applications. We love computers and love programming and we love Lilypond. You could learn Lilypond - or you could let us do it for you.

Creative Commons License  2019-2025 code & web-content: Zack von Menchhofen & vonMenchhofen Urtext  (Use of code and content can be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License).
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