vonMenchhofen Urtext
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Composers Collective
Publishing Services
Being a composer is tough! Working in solitude, falling in love with 'Bad ideas', trying to write an ephemeral art work that will move people for an instance and then trying to convince people to take a chance and perform your music. When I was in school I attended a seminar by Mark Laycock, who was an orchestra conductor. He said that if musician wanted to do something, they should do it themselves - put together that performance group, do that concert, make a tour, and ... sell your own work. It might have taken me years to realize that that advice applied to me and what I wrote, too.

vonMenchhofen Urtext want to offer a helping hand to all the other composers out there writing in relative obsecurity. If you use our service to engrave your work, we can put your work in our catelogue for sale. Or if you have a lilypond file already, you can create an account and list your work in our catelogue (some restrictions apply to these services - like, you have to own all parts of the work and the work has to be approved by our editors for inclusion in the catalogue but it really is just that easy).

When your work is added your work to the catalogue. Musicians that are interested in performing your work can 'buy' a license (just like any other music publishers website), we will generate the license, allow them to downloaad the engraved copy and collect the fee that you have specified. We will tack on a service fee (around 15% depending on the amount you specified for the license). You won't be charged a cent unless we sell something together.

But I have another vision as well - if the composer allows, the musician can get in touch with the composer through our site to ask questions and make comments. When the piece of music is performed the musician will be able to upload a recording of it to vonMenchhofen Urtext so that others can hear the music when browsing.

If at anytime, you make a deal with another publishing house, notify vonMenchhofen Urtext and we will remove that piece from our catalogue (licenses that have been sold would still need to be respected though).

Creative Commons License  2019-2025 code & web-content: Zack von Menchhofen & vonMenchhofen Urtext  (Use of code and content can be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License).
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